Last update December 8, 2000
Will Rockwood
Vote Will Rockwood for President
It's Over...NOT!

   Monday, December 4
The REAL lockbox...

   Wednesday, December 6
How about David Boies and Bing Crosby singing 'Little Drummer Boy'...

   Friday, December 8
The price is WRONG...


© Copyright 2000 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved.
December 4, 2000: Skip (locked in bathroom): Is it over yet, dude? Will: Not yet. Dana: What's going on? Will: Skip is so sick of the election brouhaha that he's locked himself in the bathroom and vowed not to come out until it's all over! Dana: Heh...go deadlock! Skip: Hey, babe, that doesn't mean you can't come in! December 6, 2000: Mitch: "A Charlie Chad Christmas." "Recount the Red-nosed Reindeer." "How the Grinch Appealed Christmas." This is horrible! Look at what this election has done to perfectly good television! Al: I dunno... I'm kinda looking forward to "Al Gore's Lockbox New Year's Eve!" Mitch: "It's a Wonderful Electoral College." December 8, 2000: Mitch: It started off innocently enough, but then, who knkew it was going to get this annoying? And now it won't stop! It just keeps going and going! Isn't it obvious that America is fed up?! Wil: Yeah, I'm ready for the election to be over, too. Mitch: Election? I was talking about Adam Sandler's movie career!