Last update August 4, 2000
Will Rockwood
Vote Will Rockwood for President
Convention Time

   Monday, July 31
You can bet he's not for lip reading...

   Wednesday, August 2
And when did you stop beating your wife?

   Friday, August 4
Maybe a Hindu temple visit is in order...


© Copyright 2000 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved.
July 31, 2000: Al: Will, with the conventions here, the presidential race is just starting to hear up. Now is the time to make our move! We need to spend the week informing the media that everthhing Bush stands for is wrong, while everythings we stand for is right! Will: Okay. What does Bush stand for? Al: No one really knows. That's why this is so tricky! August 2, 2000: Al: Remember, Will, you've got to be the opposite of Bush and the Republicans! Will: Got it! Clearly, all the G.O.P. has to offer are tax cuts and feel-good speeches! Reporter: So, Mr. Rockwood, are you saying you're against the American people feeling good? Al: Uh-oh. Reporter: Follow up! Are you also against lowering taxes? August 4, 2000: Al: Will, the poll numbers from last night are in. It doesn't look good. Bush is getting a pretty big bounce from his speech, and it's costing us market share! Will: What do we need to do to make up for it? Al: Well, a $20 million convention wouldn't hurt. Will: Gee... I only have ten on me... could I borrow a few million?