The Rockwood 2000 Olympic Watch

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. Daily Results from Saturday, September 16

Highlights and Lowlights

  • The entire women's triathlon was so overproduced that I briefly considered putting it all under fluff, but I think the event itself is so cool that I'm leaving it under events. But NBC should immediately fire Al Trautwig if he goes overboard like that again.
  • Weightlifting was an even MORE sickening combination of event and fluff. It was hard to tell where the footage from Sydney ended and the history began. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
  • The producers in charge of the swimming venues should be running the entire Olympics coverage. The superimposed flags in the lanes rule, the commentators are knowledgeable, and the moving "world-record" line was nothing short of astounding. Is this group actually with NBC?
  • Over three minutes of fluff on Nikki Webster, the flying "swimming girl" in the opening ceremonies, mostly on how talented she was to do it. Please. She was suspended by cables over 100,000 people. This is not a talent. Not vomiting while you're 100 feet in the air, now THAT'S impressive, but flailing about while other people swing you around does not make you a superstar. This kid is the definition of "yesterday's news."
  • "GM Presents Olympic Moments." An open note to GM: I am currently in the market for a car. Every second I see that you are sponsoring two people to talk instead of sponsoring an actual competition is another second that I'm shopping for Fords or Dodges. In this case that was about 330 seconds. You officially suck.
  • The longest continuous segment of gymnastics on Saturday night ran for eight-and-a-half minutes. NBC wasted eight-and-a-half minutes elsewhere on three fluff pieces about the U.S. women gymnasts, one Russian gymnast (Aleksi Nemov), and the Chinese gymnastics team. NBC claims they show fluff pieces because they bring in the women. I wonder how these same women would feel knowing that NBC cheated them out of half of their gymnastics coverage.

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