Monday, March 6, 2006
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
March 6, 2006: Mitch: So I was watching the Oscars last night, and "Brokeback Mountain" lost best picture to "Crash." Al: Wow. Mitch: I know. Can you believe it? Al: I can't even believe someone cared enought to watch the Oscars. Mitch: Well, actually, I just saw the results on the web, but still...
March 8, 2006: Kepler: Look! Look! I've found the proof! Mitch: What is it, Kepler? What do you see? Kepler: It's the one person who actually watched all of the Academy Awards! Mitch: That's a guy asleep on his couch. Kepler: Exatcly! Proof that he watched the Academy's tribute to Robert Altman!
March 10, 2006: Kepler: I've hacked into NASA so I can get their Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to take a few pictures of Mars for me before it burns its engines for orbit insertion today. Will: Kinda risky, isn't it? NASA's had lots of problems with Mars probes lately and your record with them isn't exactly squeaky clean, either. Kepler: Psh!! What are the oddss of that happening again?! Will: Right I'll forward all of NASA's calls to you.