Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, September 2,
Friday, September 4, 2009
© Copyright 2009 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
August 31, 2009: Mitch: I'm trying to figure out who I'm going to pick in my fantasy football draft. Brett Favre: You could take me. Mitch: Hmm... Favre is on a team with a good running game and-- Brett Favre: Too late! I'm retired again! Mitch: Stop that!
September 2, 2009: KHAN: It took me 39 hours to process the 150 pages of football statistics that you gave me in your search for the perfect draft pick. Mitch: Yes? KHAN: But after careful computation, one thing became clear. Mitch: What? What?! KHAN: You have no life. Mitch: Granted, but should I draft Tom Brady anyway?
September 4, 2009: Mitch: Now that I'm done with my fantasy football stats, I'm on to more important things. Al: Like? Mitch: Picking a clever team name. Al: The Tom Brady Bunch. Mitch: No. Al: Favre and Away. Mitch: No. Al: The Inglorious Belichicks. Mitch: No! You're not helping. Al: I haven't even gotten to the dirty names yet!