Monday, August 22, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
August 22, 2005: Dana: Al, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Al: Bad news? What?! Dana: You've got a fever, and there's only one prescription. Al: What is it?! Dana: More cowbell! Ha! Ha! Ha! Al: This is exactly why doctors shouldn't be comedians.
August 24, 2005: Pat Robertson on TV: Jared from those Subway ads, Joe Pesci, the Teletubbies, that "Delilah" woman on the radio, any editor who's ever run an "Angelina and Brad" story, Michael Bay, Mr. Pringle... Al: Pat Robertson is expanding his list on who to assassinate. Pat Robertson: ...and Pauly Shore. Heck, I'll off him myself!
August 26, 2005: Al: I remember when it used to take a lot of effort to get noticed on the web. You'd need to clumsily wield a light saber, or lip sync foreign songs whie dancing in your chair. Now? Scribble and you're a hit! Kepler: Hey, don't dis the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Al: What's next? Maybe I'll sneeze into a Kleenex and post a pic of it!