Monday, January 30, 2006
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Friday, February 3, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
January 30, 2006: Mitch: Google sold out and agreed to let the Chinese government censor their web search results. I thought their motto was "Don't Be Evil." Al: Nope. They changed that. Mitch: To what? Still-slide panel showing Google logo with the tags 'I'll feel lucky if the Chinese government doesn't torture me' and 'We're still less evil than Microsoft.
February 1, 2006: Will: You sold all of your Google stock? Skip: They dropped their "Don't Be Evil" motto to be censors for China. I don't support tools! Will: But Google's still valuable. Is anti-'tool' a wise investment strategy? Skip: Dude, I'm a trillionaire. Will: That doesn't mean you know everything. Skip: It means I know a trillion things more than most people.
February 3, 2006: Al: What's up, Mitch? Mitch: I'm trying to Google those Danish cartoons that are causing riots in Europe. Al: Europeans will riot over cartoons? Mitch: Some of 'em, yeah. Al: What is wrong with them? Mitch: I dunno. Maybe soccer's out of season.