Will in a tube
     Haiku Thursday!
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Exploring the world of comic strips through vague Japanese poetry.

February 2, 2006

The content on this page is solely created by you, the viewers, so if you want to see more, you'll have to contribute something yourself.

  1. Haikus are a form of poetry that consists of three lines with five, seven, then five syllables on each respective line. For example...

    Rockwood is in space (5 syllables)
    On a circular station (7 syllables)
    Looking down on Earth (5 syllables)

    Obviously, that's pretty boring, but technically correct. Try to do more than just count syllables. Be creative!

  2. The haiku you submit doesn't necessarily have to have Rockwood mentioned in it, but it would be nice if it related to something in the site somehow, whether it be space-related or just pertaining to a topic brought up elsewhere.

On with the haikus!

Haiku number one's author takes us at our word when we said we wanted a lot of haiku submissions. Perhaps we should have clarified that we wanted a lot from many different authors. Oh well, they're still fun...

party in the morgue
Norwegians can get down with
dearly departed


Haiku number two tells us all about those dirty Yalies...

hundred year old school
steps into the modern age
mounts soap dispensers


Haiku number three reminds us that it's not important that God's on your side, it's important that you're on God's side...

Paul Sewell of PA seems to be having delusions of grandeur...

bail dude signs name "God"
on license and credit card
who will "God" vote for?


Haiku number four takes the international survey of lovvvvve...

men and women both
want funny mate too bad that
Team Rockwood's taken


Haiku number five sounds like an episode of "In Search Of"...

Last one for now... Bigfoot's been vacationing in Malaysia. I also found out that Bigfoot even has an official following!

scientists hunt for
bigfoot, yeti, windigo
what to do if find?


Haiku number six suggests we check our shopping list...

9 days and counting.
Did you stock up on snacks yet?
Torino or bust.


If haiku number seven thinks free speech is lacking, it must never have seen the Democratic Underground...

Free speech is attacked.
Privacy has been denied.
The Union is strong?

--Tony J. Moyer

Haiku number eight gets Haiku of the Week because what could be a better tribute to the Super Bowl than a super long haiku...

Since my previous haiku submission is horribly old news ...poor Colts...

Hooray Super Bowl!
We got Detroit all cleaned up.
It's much more fun now!

Crews worked very hard
No more abandoned buildings
(Well, not as many)

Hope it stays this way
Lions aren't much of a draw
A nightlife would be.

No Lions, Niners?
Hard to pick a team to win
Must use tiebreakers.

From Detroit (not Bus)
I'm guessing Steelers by six.
Larry Foote - Go Blue!

Maybe Seahawks win.
They do have Steve Hutchinson.
Go to the backups!

With the practice squad
Two each, no clear advantage
So, pick closer team

No conference pride
That's only for the Big Ten
Except the Buckeyes

This haiku is long
I got bored folding laundry
Should get back to it


Want to see last week's Haiku Thursday? Go check it out!

Send in your haiku and maybe next week you can achieve poetry fame! See you then!

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