Monday, January 13, 2003
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Friday, January 17, 2003
© Copyright 2003 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
January 13, 2003: KHAN: Greetings inferior human! Observe my new transportation! Will: KHAN?! How--? KHAN: Your young scientist has liberated me from my stationary existence! I must say, the freedom is exhilarating! Will: Kepler! KHAN: With my now superior mobility added to my already superior intellect, soon humans will be obsolete!
January 15, 2003: Kepler: I thouhgt a mobile KHAN would be able to help me with my experiments, so I put wheels on him! Will: He wants to hurt people using this station! Kepler: Relax. I rewrote his mission critical code so he can't do anything really dangerous. The worst he could hit you with now is a stinging insult. Will: Maybe, but he still wants to hurt people. KHAN: How's that feel? Huh?! Not so tough when i run over your heel, are you , big man?!
January 17, 2003: Will: KAHN's a killer, Kepler! I can't believe you turned him loose! Kepler: Will, he isn't all that bad anymore. Will: How can you know that for sure?! Kepler: Well, uh... Al seems to be handling him pretty well... KHAN: This is not an appropriate task for a superior life form! Al: Shhh! You might spill it!