Express yourself!
Have you always wanted to let Team Rockwood know just what you were thinking? Do you wonder why the panels of the strip are laid out horizontally instead of vertically? Or do you have sensitive documents that will bring down the government? In any case, we want to know! Just fill out your name and e-mail address, then let 'er rip! No question or comment is too bizarre for Team Rockwood to take a stab at, and if we can get enough mail coming in, this page will be updated weekly! (Unlike the old mailbag page, which got updated about four times in two years.)
So consider this an experiment in web interactivity. Or, consider it a way to artificially inflate our hit count. Either way, just write in!
Updated on June 21, 2005
June 16, 2005
Hey Brian -
Good to see Rockwood again. I followed it online after I moved to MD in '98, but then it disappeared. I searched for it for a while but after a few months I kinda gave up. Just yesterday I did a Google search on it and there it was at #4 on the list. The space station is a cool setting. I browsed the archive for about an hour last night. I loved the sleight of hand perfoming goat.
We like the fact that Google ranks us higher than both rockwood.com and rockwood.org, Tommy. Watch out all of you kids in the Rockwood School District! We're going to overtake you next! Ha!
June 18, 2005
on floor
toddler talks to magpie
on roof
--john tiong chunghoo
You're closer than last week, John, but you're not there yet! 5-7-5 gets you to haiku! However, even if it's not officially haiku, we do have to admit that your submission does have a certain poetry to it.
June 20, 2005
He turned 27?! When did that happen? I mean, come on, he should at least say something about it in his comic strips or something during the week. At least ONCE maybe. Otherwise we'd totally miss it.
It is Team Rockwood's opinion that the only reason Jim Davis brings up Garfield's birthday every year ad nauseum is so that people will feel compelled to get that cat a birthday present, and thus make Davis even richer. We've said a lot of bad things about Garfield in the past (and will probably say more in the future), but don't ever let it be said that the Garfield empire doesn't know how to make a buck.
June 20, 2005
Garfield turned 27 and is still kicking? That's 95.5 in human years. Perhaps I can use that as proof that a lifestyle of laziness and inactivity and a diet that includes mass quantities of lasagna is the formula for long life.
--Bad Panda
Actually, Panda, according to this chart, Garfield is somewhere around 125 years old. We think this indicates that Garfield has other reasons for his longevity.
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