Express yourself!
Have you always wanted to let Team Rockwood know just what you were thinking? Do you wonder why the panels of the strip are laid out horizontally instead of vertically? Or do you have sensitive documents that will bring down the government? In any case, we want to know! Just fill out your name and e-mail address, then let 'er rip! No question or comment is too bizarre for Team Rockwood to take a stab at, and if we can get enough mail coming in, this page will be updated weekly! (Unlike the old mailbag page, which got updated about four times in two years.)
So consider this an experiment in web interactivity. Or, consider it a way to artificially inflate our hit count. Either way, just write in!
Updated on June 28, 2005
June 21, 2005,
It seems your critic has removed his blog with the totally unjust C- rating and put in its stead his own comic. I imagine his comic must rate an "A Triple Plus".
So, PLEASE remove the reference from your front page. A "C-"?!?!?! PPPPffffft. He wouldn't know quality if it smacked him in the face! I guess the armies of Rockwood comic fans pounding down his door convinced him blogging wasn't worth it anymore!
--Brian #3
We haven't really looked at his strips, so we can't comment on those, #3, but since that link is now dead, we'll definitely be taking it down.
As far as Rockwood's C- goes, we're not going to complain too much. Our opinion is that you've never really made it until someone cares enough to trash your stuff, so that C- was just two letter grades above some other reviewer's "F" that would signify our hitting the big time!
June 23, 2005,
(Follow up on my last email.)
Not sure if you read Delineated Blog today (Thursday 06/23/05) or not but it seems my comment about an army of Rockwood fans writing him in protest of the C- was not too far off the mark.
I never sent him hate mail or any mail for that matter. Honest! I may have dissagreed with his review, but he was entitled to his opinion.
Still, it sounds like his reviews have been drummed out of existance by some army of outraged fans. How interesting... I guess I was right on - Bill found out that slamming all of the web-comics out there so that you can release your own, done the "right" way of course, isn't a winning strategy... It would have been better if he'd realized that the fans of web comics are picking up on cues that he's missing in his reviews. Maybe he should be figuring out what makes each comic popular with its fans rather than simply listing what each has done wrong.
Anyway - Have a good weekend!
--Brian #3
We never held a grudge against Bill either, #3. He's perfectly entitled to his opinion, and we even think some of his arguments had some merit, although we obviously didn't think they were as big of a problem as he did. However, speaking generally, we doubt it was waves of rabid Rockwood fans that overwhelmed him. We'd bet more on the crazed Penny Arcade fans. Those guys are nuts!
June 23, 2005,
LOL - I can't believe that all the times I've looked at the "Thanks for Writing" screen, I never noticed something wrong with this sentence:
"I guarantee you you'll have more fun reading through some of the comic strips."
Did you catch the extra word? If you've already had fifty people report that typo (probably me included) - feel free to ignore...
Heck, give me two more years and I'll forget that I wrote this and will send another email once again surpised that I've missed that typo all this time.
--Brian #3
Hmmm... someone's got a lot of free time on their hands, don't they? We don't consider it a typo, B#3, it's just an understood "that" that's missing ("I guarantee you that you'll...").
And for the rest of you who are wondering where this typo is, it's located on a response page that you only see when you submit a letter or a haiku. Kinda makes you want to write something, now, doesn't it?
June 27, 2005,
So... just what IS that thing? It looks like some sort of cross-breed of Sonic the Hedgehog, Darth Vader, and Geordi LaForge.
We ain't tellin', Ryan. You'll just have to keep reading. We will tell you, however, that it will probably be around for a while.
June 27, 2005,
Again, Team Rockwood has stated the obvious. OF COURSE I'd watch it...Tivo...burn the DVD...anything to save it for later viewing. However, I wonder if they would follow Janet Jackson's lead with their own version of a "wardrobe malfunction?" I'm thinking along the lines of Hulk Hogan when he ripped off his shirt. Would Lindsay do the same?
--Bad Panda
If she does, maybe they'll create a hamburger ad in her honor, too.
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