Express yourself!
Drop us a line! Head on over to The
Rockwood Mailbag at any time to leave us a message! It's easy!
Consider it an experiment in web
interactivity. Or, consider it a way to artificially inflate our hit count.
Either way, just write in!
on October 5, 2010
September 29, 2010,
Here's some
possible strip-fodder for you:
This sounds like something right out of a Rockwood strip.
You know Al would be complaining just as loudly as all the nerds in the
And yet he'd be first in line
to see it. (Again, just like all of the nerds in the comments.)
Done and done,
Bobby! And like Al, we look forward to complaining about
the 3D sequels up until the time that it's our turn at
the ticket window.
September 30, 2010,
Hi Brian,
My last name is Rockwood too.
If you can get a date
for Will with Ali Landry, can you get one for me too?
--Jim Rockwood
We'll see what we can do, Jim.
But if we can't pull it off, maybe a consolation prize
could be a conversation with Landry
Jones? Yeah, not the same.
October 2, 2010,
Who won the Settler's
of Catan game from Sept 29th's strip? And were Mitch
and Al just playing with the two of them (two players
is not fun)? Just to show how nerdy I really am: what
version were they playing?
The Catan odds were on my
side as I recently beat one of my most competitive friends
when some friends played. She nearly always wins, but my
strategy of having no strategy finally paid off!
To ask "who won" would
be to assume that either of them knew what they were doing,
Mikki. Mostly they both just like the game because it has
cool hexagonal tiles. Your strategy would fit in very well
with theirs!
week's mail
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