Express yourself!
Drop us a line! Head on over to The
Rockwood Mailbag at any time to leave us a message! It's easy!
Consider it an experiment in web
interactivity. Or, consider it a way to artificially inflate our hit count.
Either way, just write in!
on November 30, 2010
November 29, 2010,
No Strip today. Let me guess.
You're working on 2011 Calendars so you can get them out
before Christmas, and have them all sold by the 1st? I'm
ready to buy.
--Jim Rockwood
We wish, Jim! We've been so
swamped lately we haven't had a chance to finish up the
2011 Rockwood Calendars. But rest assured, as soon as we
have some available Team Rockwood would
be more than happy to relieve you of some of your hard-earned
cash. Keep watching the front page and you'll know as soon
as they're ready!
week's mail
© Copyright 2010 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page.
All rights reserved. Tell me about it!