Now Jim, let's not be too hard
on Nebraska. There are years of tradition between Oklahoma
Ahhh, who are we kidding? Did
you see the way Oklahoma
sent the Huskers away as losers? See ya later, "Little" Red!
Do you think we'll miss you because you're slithering away
to the Conference
That Can't Count? Remember kids, they'll claim that
the Big Ten is "academically superior," but they
still think the "N" on their helmets stands for "Nowledge."
Huskers, next year, when Oklahoma
is winning their eighth Big 12 title, we'll
think back and try to remember why it is you were so
unhappy with Texas. But then we'll recall, "Oh yes,
it was because you
couldn't beat them in a season when everyone
else could." Too bad. So sad. Don't let the
door hit you on the way out!