Monday, April 18, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
April 18, 2005: Kepler: Happy Martin Luther King's Birthday, Al. Al: Kepler, that was three months ago. Kepler: But my "2005 Rockwood Calendar" says it's today. Al: Well, clearly that was assembled by morons. Kepler: I didn't think morons could make it in the comics biz. Al: Only for five or six decades, then the newspapers weed them out.
April 20, 2005: Kepler: When you said some comics were five or six decades old, I thought you were exaggerating but I did some research. "Beetle Bailey" , "Hi and Lois", "Peanuts" ... they're all over 50 years old, and "Blondie" is 75! Who keeps printing these fossils?? (Last frame is obviously from "BC", where BC himself leans over a rock that says "comics editor.")
April 22, 2005: Kepler: I've been doing some more comics research. This "Funky Winkerbean" is over 30 years old. How could a strip about middle-aged men last so long? Al: It used to be about high school. Kepler: No way! Really? Al: Yep. It also used to be funny. Kepler: Okay, now I know you're lying.