Monday, February 28, 2005
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Friday, March 4, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
February 28, 2005: Al: Paris Hilton is in the news again. Dana: Tramp of the year? Al: No, her cellphone got hacked and all of her celebrity friends' phone numbers became public. Linsday Lohan, Andy Roddick, Eminem... oh no. Dana: What? Who is it? Skip: For the last time, Dude, I don't know you, so no, I won't lend you a million dollars!
March 2, 2005: Dana: I can't believe you gave Paris Hilton your phone number. Skip: Babe, I can't believe that someone hacked her cell phone. Dana: She probably did it herself just for the publicity. Skip: Maybe, or maybe it was a computer genius with ulterior motives. Kepler: Hello, Miss Lohan. I was wondering if you were free tonight for-- hello? Hello? Hmmm... Hello, Miss Kournikova...
March 4, 2005: Dana: I don't see why you'd even be interested in Paris Hilton. Skip: Blond, cute, clothing-averse... what's not to like? Plus, she's rich. Dana: Rich? Skip, you're a trillionaire! You could afford thousands of Paris Hiltons! Skip: Thousands? No way, Babe. The antibiotics alone would bankrupt me. Dana: You could make it back in video sales.