Monday, March 14, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
March 14, 2005: Kepler: It's 3-14, Al! Happy Pi Day! Al: Is there no end to your geekery? Mitch: Happy Pi Day, Kepler! I brought a pie to celebrate! Al: Uh... shouldn't that be in a round tin? Mitch and Kepler: No, because pi are square! Ha! Ha! Ha! Al: Holy radians, Batman. Geekism is contagious!
March 16, 2005: Kepler: I don't know why eeryone thinks picking the NCAA tournament winner is so hard. It was all pretty obvious to me... see? Stomp stomp stomp... all the way through. "King of the monsters" wins, easy! Will: Uh... that's "Gonzaga." Kepler: Oh... that explains why Mothra isn't on the other side of the bracket.
March 18, 2005: Mitch: Woohoo! I'm cleaning up in my brackets! Will: Who do you have? Mitch: McGwire and Sosa! Will: What? Al: It's the "Most evasive steroid testimony" pool. Mitch: It was Big Mac almost crying that sealed my victory.