Thursday, November 11, 2004
So, my new sign lasted less than 24 hours before someone (I'm presuming the same someone) vandalized it. Did they just rip it up, like they did the others? Oh no. Check it out...

Yes, that is a tire track going across my sign. Sign-Stealing Punk (SSP) actually stopped his car, tore out my sign, put it down in the street, ran it over, then put it back in my yard! This. Is. Awesome! Imagine what a whacko you'd have to be to get so twisted up over a sign that you'd run it over with your car! That alone would have made my day.
But wait! There's more! After having a good laugh in the yard at SSP's expense, I walked up to my front door where I found this...

Hate mail! Could this be any better? I especially like how SSP is trying to intimidate me into shutting up. Perhaps if SSP knew more about the law he'd realize that "repugnant gloating" is protected by the Constitution, whereas sign-stealing and vandalism are acts of the common criminal. And despite my being in the minority on my street, it should be noted that most (i.e. all but one) of these Kerry supporters felt no need to turn to a life of crime. My problem isn't with the Democrats on the street, it's with the thieves.
So, am I going to keep putting up signs? Nah. I don't have the time or energy to keep putting up signs just to make SSP angry. Besides, it's not even a challenge. All it took was one posterboard to get him to completely flip out. Obviously, I could tweak him whenever I wanted to do so. Too easy.
But you know, the next elections are just two years away. Oh, the fun I'll have...
Thursday, November 4, 2004
I don't think it's any real secret to anyone who frequents this site that I supported Bush in the election. I did my best not to shove it down anyone's throat, since the purpose of this site is to make you laugh, not make you mad, and hopefully, I wasn't too overbearing.
Anyway, the street that I live on has featured mostly Kerry signs throughout the election period. I'd say it was about a three-to-one ratio (maybe five-to-one if you factor in the house two doors down from me that had a sign for every Democrat running in every race in the entire state--I should have taken a picture of that one). Both my Bush sign and the other Bush sign on the street went unmolested for the better part of a month. I took a picture of my sign the day I put it up...
Ain't digital cameras wonderful? I never would have wasted film on a shot like this, but digital costs me nothing. Anyway, as I was saying, this sign was fine for 30 days.
Last Saturday (October 30), my Bush sign and the Bush sign down the street both disappeared. Oddly enough, all Kerry signs on the street remained in place, untouched. What to do, what to do...
Fortunately, having heard that other Republicans had been having problems with stolen signs, I had ordered two Bush signs. Sign number two went up promptly on Sunday.
All was good with the world. Bush won. I was happy. I was going to leave my Bush sign up until Saturday for... well, just because. I thought Saturday would be a good day to take it down. However, when I returned home Thursday evening, I saw that someone had beaten me to it...
Now, I wasn't planning on rubbing anyone's face in Bush's victory, but this is just childish (as is my response :). Bush won almost two-to-one in Oklahoma. Tearing down my sign after the election is hardly going to do any good. It just makes the Democrats look petty.
So, I can be petty, too. Tonight, I spent two bucks on posterboard at Wal-Mart and put this up in my yard...
Personally, I'm betting it's gone by Friday evening, since someone just can't seem to help themselves. I'm planning on leaving this one up until Sunday, but if it disappears, I'm going to replace it with something else. When I get a sign that stays up for three consecutive days without being vandalized, I'll stop posting new signs. Any takers on how long it takes our mysterious friend to figure this out? Check back in and see!
By the way, if you've made it this far down the page, why not buy a few things? I know they're not the t-shirts most people have been asking me for, but they ARE available now. Get two! They're a bargain!