Monday, July 24, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
July 24, 2006: Frenchie: It izz a terrible time for Franze! First, Sidane losez ze World Cup with ze head butt. Zen, ze American, but not ze Lanze Armstrong, winz ze Tour de Franze! Will: You mean Floyd Landis? Frenchie: Yez! Zis Floyd Landis must be a Lanze-Armstrong-like-Zuperman! Will: Actually, he has arthritis and is going to have a hip replacement. Frenchie: Sacre bleu! We French are expoz-ed az weeniez!
July 26, 2006: Al: How did you get up here, anyway? Does France even have a space program? Frenchie: Typical American. Of course ze French have ze space program! Al: Chill, Pierre. I just don't recall any French rockets. Frenchie: Zat iz becauze you are ze eegnorant peeg! Franze haz ze world's most famous rocket! Al (looking at the Eiffel Tower): I... I never knew! Frenchie: Your American rockets are so bourgeois!
July 28, 2006: Dana: I don't understand. How did you make the Eiffel Tower rocket into space? Frenchie: Well, I wasa on ze top and I was hungry. But instead of hitting the "lunch" button, I accidentally hit ze "launch" button! Dana: That might be the stupidest joke ever. Frenchie: Oui. But we French love ze Jerry Lewis, so what did you expect?