Monday, October 8, 2001
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Friday, October 12, 2001
© Copyright 2001 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
October 8, 2001: Mitch: The atacks have started. Al: What are we supposed to do? Mitch: The President said to do what we normally do. Al: We're watching TV for America? Mitch: I've never felt so patriotic!
October 10, 2001: Al: The President told us to do what we normally do, so we're supporting America by watching TV non-stop! Dana: Don't you normally take a break? Al: Well, theese are exraordinary times, and we are exraordinary men! Dana: Extraordinarily stupid, maybe. Mitch: Please! "Sportscenter" is on. We have a war to win, here!
October 12, 2001: Mitch: I can't take it anymore, Al. I'm turning the TV off! Al: Mitch, no! If we change our routine, then terrorists everywhere will win! Only by watching endless hours of TV can we prove to thugs like Bin Laden that we will not fail!! Mitch: You're right! Must... sacrifice... for... America! Al: It's a "Golden Girls" marathon.