November 9, 2009: Mitch: In honor of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, I will now knock down this symbolic wall of blocks. What are you doing? Kepler: I'm going to use these blocks to build that cool new health care plan!
November 11, 2009: KHAN: Happy Veterans Day Sale, human! Dana: It's just Veterans Day. It's not about sales, it's about honoring soldiers. KHAN: The ads on TV never mention that. Dana: Well, ads don't always show the proper respect to our veterans. KHAN: So how are you celebrating Veterans Day? Dana: Uh... I'm going shopping at Macy's.
November 13, 2009: Al and Mitch: Run! Run! Look out! Go! Go! Go! Take my hand! Get down! No! Al: There. We just saved you the nine bucks it would have cost to see "2012."