Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 12,
Friday, August 14, 2009
© Copyright 2009 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
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August 10, 2009: Mitch: All the good movies are already out. Football season is a month away. There aren't even any holidays! What's the deal with August? Al: It's like a long, hot walk across a barren parking lot.
August 12, 2009: Kepler: It's August 12th. The Perseid meteor shower is tonight! Mitch: So that's what August has for a holiday? The end times? Rocks falling out of the sky? How are you supposed to celebrate that?! Kepler: Uh... by watching it? Mitch: Hmph! Maybe we should celebrate September with a plague of locusts!
August 14, 2009: Mitch: I found an August holiday! Far Side Cow: Moo. Mitch: It's Gary Larson's birthday! Al: You sure it's not "getting sued by Gary Larson's lawyers" day?