Monday, March 18, 2002
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Friday, March 22, 2002
© Copyright 2002 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
March 18, 2002: Al: Hey, Kepler! Exciting news! The new average color of the universe is beige! Kepler: What?! That can't be! Al: But yet it is... Kepler: But how? They had reems of data! Thousands of calculations! Al: I guess they forgot to carry the one. Kepler: Hmph! Gene Kranz would never have let this happen!
March 20, 2002: Kepler: I can't believe the universe is beige instead of turquoise-green! Will: What's wrong with beige? Kperler: The universe was hip, like "Miami Vice," but now it's like "Columbo!" Will: Beige is solid... dependable... everything you'd want from the universe! Kepler: I mean... beige?! Blah! Will: Beige! That's the color of resposibility!
March 22, 2002: Mitch: So... the universe is beige? Kepler: Yep. Mitch: And... what will that knowledge get me? Kepler: Uh... a green "pie" in "Trivial Pursuit?" Mitch: Great. What I need is something that will get me the "yellow."