July 26, 2010: Skip: I'm trying to increase the popularity of this strip, so I brought Justin Bieber here, Dude. Justin Bieber: Hi! Will: Kinda shameless, don't you think? Skip: Did you know he's secretly a sparkly Twilight vampire? Justin Bieber: Hiss! Will: Skip... Skip: Oh look! He's eating a bizarre concoction made with bacon!
July 28, 2010: TV: Lindsay Lohan, still in jail! Al: Really, isn't this the perfect time for her to make a women-in-prison movie? Mitch: Roman Polanski could direct. Al: She's too old for him.
July 30, 2010: Kepler: What's happening to this world?! First Simon quit "American Idol," now Ellen's quitting, and both P. Diddy and J-Lo are angling for a spot on the panel and... and... Great Einstein's ghost, listen to me! I've been consumed by the pop-culture machine. I've lost touch with the world! A couple of hours on Slashdot should fix that! Dana: Yeah... that's the solution.