Monday, February 20, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
February 20, 2006: Engineers Week 2006. Kepler: Will, how would our lives be different now if there were no engineers? Will: Hmmm... (both Will and Kepler are shown floating in the vaccuum of space once the engineer-built space station disappears) Will: Whew! Thank goodness for engineers! Kepler: Of course, how would we have gotten up here in the first place?
February 22, 2006: Engineers Week story problems. 1. Flying Spaghetti Monster Extremists (FSMEs) have been burning Olive Gardens (OGs) to protest balsphemous FSM cartoons. To make up for lost profits, OG has to raise prices. Today, the bottomless bowl of pasta is $7. If FSMEs burn 4 OGs per day, and OG raises prices 50 cents for each 3 OGs burned, how many days are there until said pasta bowl costs $10? 2. When an FSME sets off his bomb vest, he reduces his mass to zero. If each FSME is 75 kg, and a box of rocks is 45 kg, how many of these five FSMEs need to explode for thsi intellectual scale to be equal? 3. Which is greater: the number of scrupulous lawyers times the number of ambulances they've chased or 20 bomb vests divided by the number of intelligent FSMEs? Answer: Trick question: You can multiply by zero, but you can't divide by it.
February 24, 2006: Dana: Let's see how many resposnes your personal ad got, Al. Al: I've mocked this, but I'm actually kind of excited. Hit me!! Dana: Okay. You have... one email. Al: One? That's it?! Wait... chill... it's a start. So, what does it say? Dana: Dear Space Man In Black, is that your real head? Al: That's it. I'm done.