Monday, February 13, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
February 13, 2006: Dana: I'm not going to hassle you about Valentine's Day this year, Al. Al: Well, that's a relief... wait... why not? Dana: Instead, I signed you up on Valentines-date.com! Al: You put my picture online?! Dana: You can find your true love on the internet! Al: Yes, because what says "truth" better than "anonymous internet posting."
February 15, 2006: Dana: Here's how valentines-date.com works, Al. You search for women based on age, location, interests, or whatever... and if you're interested, you click here to send her a little cnady heart! Al: Let's skip ahead. Where do I click to reject them all? Dana: Al! Al: What? I thought computers were supposed to save us time!
February 17, 2006: Dana: Let's see how many resposnes your personal ad got, Al. Al: I've mocked this, but I'm actually kind of excited. Hit me!! Dana: Okay. You have... one email. Al: One? That's it?! Wait... chill... it's a start. So, what does it say? Dana: Dear Space Man In Black, is that your real head? Al: That's it. I'm done.