Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 8,
Friday, December 10, 2010
© Copyright 2010 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
December 6, 2010: Kepler: Facebook is changing their interface again. Al: Why should I care? I'm not on Facebook. Kepler: How do you share funny pictures of yourself? Al: Why would I want to do that? Kepler: Because it's fun! Al: We'll see how fun you think those pictures are when you start applying for jobs.
December 8, 2010: Will: You're not on Facebook? Al: No. I'm making a statement. Too many people use their online status as a crutch for their lack of social skills. I'm taking a bold stance in showing that you don't need to be on Facebook to be cool! Will: And how would people find out about this bold stance? Al: It's on my Twitter feed.
December 10, 2010: Kepler: I went through all of my Facebook friends and blocked my top ten status updaters. Now it's like the zombie apocalypse! I haven't had a new post for four hours! Will: How will you survive? Kepler: What if someone is checking in to Starbucks right now? I'd never even know!