Monday, October 29, 2001

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Friday, November 2, 2001

© Copyright 2001 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
October 29, 2001: Al: Will, I've done lots of planning for my Halloween costume, but now I'm wondering if it's a good idea. Will: What's the costume? Al: Osama bin Laden. Will: Weear a helmet.
October 31, 2001: Will: What is that? Mitch: My Halloween costume! I'm a McDonald's hamburger! Will: Okay, I'll bite. Why? Mithc: Well, Al is dressing up as Osama bin Laden... Will: Uh-huh. And? Mitch: I thought my costume should be tasteless, too!
November 2, 2001: Mitch and Dana standing around. Dana: Anthrax! Mitch: AAAAA!!! Halloween is over!! Dana: Oh, so we can only be scary one day a year? Sheesh!!