Monday, December 16, 2002
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Friday, December 20, 2002
© Copyright 2002 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
December 16, 2002: Mitch: Trent Lott is onboard. Dana: What? Why? Mitch: He's been taking a lot of heat lately. He's trying to go incognito. Dana: How does he plan on doing that? Trent Lott (wearing a Klan hood): So, can you recognize me? Al: Uh...
December 18, 2002: Trent Lott: I just don't see what the big deal is. Will: You don't see--?! You simultaneously insulted an entire generation of people and set your party back 50 years! Trent Lott: I was told a simple public apology would make it all better. Will: What bonehead told you that? Trent Lott: My friend, Senator Robert Byrd, here! Will: Are you people extinct?
December 20, 2002: Senator Trent Lott: I am not a racist. Al: You know, people using that phrase usually are. Trent Lott: Alrighty then... I am a-- Senator Robert Byrd: Wait! It's a trap!! It's best we just keep our mouths shut! Al: Now, if you'd just learned that a month ago, you wouldn't have had all these problems.