Monday, December 13, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
© Copyright 2004 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
December 13, 2004: NHL Player: Hi. I was wondering why you're not more concerned about the missing NHL season. Mitch: NHL? NHL Player: Yes! NHL! Hockey?! Hello!! Mitch: What is this "hockey" he speaks of? Al: It's like soccer but on ice. NHL Player: Argh!
December 15, 2004: NHL Player: What if they cancel the NHL season? All I know is hockey and fighting! Al: Heh... sounds like you're in trouble, musclehead. (NHL Player checks Al into the boards.) Dana: Well, that wasn't very diplomatic. NHL Player: Did I say diplomacy was one of the two things I knew?
December 17, 2004: NHL Player: They have to bring hockey back. If they don't, what will all of the Canadians do? Will: Well, it is an entire country. I'm sure they'll figure out some other form of entertainment. Canadian #1: That was aboot all of them, eh. Start over? Canadian #2: Sigh. I can't believe we already watched every Michael J. Fox movie from A to zed.