Monday, May 15, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
May 15, 2006: Mitch: You know, Will, I think we should just leave the station in zero-g. It's fun pushing off of stuff. Watch! Woo-hoo! AAA! (slams into wall) Will: Your argument was more convincing before you slammed into the bulkhead. Mitch: Once the gravity comes back on, someone's gonna have to clean up all of this blood.
May 17, 2006: KHAN: Without gravity you're nothing, pathetic human! I, on the other hand, maintain full usefulness through my wi-fi-linked brain! Once again wwe find a situation where man is no match for machine! Where... uh... can you wait a second on that switch? Computer voice: Artificial gravity on. Will: Sorry. My poor human brain was too slow to process your request.
May 19, 2006: Will: The gravity is back on, so now everything can get back to normal. Kepler: I've decided to create a new religion based on pseudoscience! Mitch: Normal? Will: So to speak. Kepler: The Church of Artbellology! Art Bell ology.