Monday, May 8, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
May 8, 2006: Kepler: Will, I'm picking up a signal unlike any I've ever seen before. Will: What is it? Kepler: I dunno. It looks like... a giant rogue gravity wve and it's headed right for us! Aiee! Wll: What the--?! Al: Lemme guess... George Kennedy's on board, right? Computer: Artificial gravity is at zero.
May 10, 2006: Al: What happened, Will? Will: A rogue gravity wave hit the space station and stopped its rotation so our artificial gravity is gone. Al: Well, punch a button and restart it! Will: I can't. The rotation breaker is in the center hub and isn't remotely accessible. We'll have to make our way there in zero-G to flip it by hand. Al: What a lame plot device this is. Will: What will our heroes do... in a world without gravity?
May 12, 2006: Will: Kepler, we're going to the hub to get the gravity back on. Kepler: That's good, Will, but keep it quiet, but you need to hurry. Will: Why? Is the station in danger? Kepler: No. I just get a little nauseous in zero-g. Will: Go get a paper bag. We'll get there when we get there.