Monday, August 9, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Friday, August 13, 2004
© Copyright 2004 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
August 9, 2004: Kepler: I've decided to become a popular cartoonist by shinning the syndicates and distributing my strips to newspapers free of charge. Al: So, you're going to get rich and successful by giving things away for free? Kepler: Yep! Al: How dot-com of you. Good luck with that. Kepler: The margins are slim, but I'll make it all up on volume!
August 11, 2004: Kepler: I can avoid the cartoon syndicates entirely by taking my strip stratight to the newspapers. If even one paper takes my strip, I win! Dana: If you can only get one paper to accept free content, doesn't that prove the syndicates never would have been able to sell it? Kepler: Obviously you don't understand the internet economy. Dana: Sure I do. Check out my swan made of Pets.com shares.
August 13, 2004: Kepler: Skip, the naysayers all tell me I'm a fool for giving away my strip and relying on merchandising for income. You're a trillionaire; is this a workable business plan? Skip: Sure, Dude! I'd invest in that! Kepler: Excellent! I knew those idiots-- Skip: I can sell short, right? Kepler: What? No!