Monday, December 3, 2001
Wednesday, December 5, 2001
Friday, December 7, 2001
© Copyright 2001 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
December 3, 2001: Mitch: Turn on "Good Morning America," Al! They're going to unveil "it!" Al: Unveil--? Is Clinton in the news again? Mitch: No, no... "it!" The invention that's going to change the world!! Al: But what is "it?" Mitch: Nobody knows! But "it" is supposed to be big!! Al: You're sure this isn't about Clinton?
December 5, 2001: Mitch: That's "it?" Skip: Yep! It's the Segway Human Transport, dude! This is the future of urban transportation! Mitch: A scooter? Skip: A scooter that can move a person a dozen miles without using a drop of gas! Mitch: So it's a $3,000 bicycle? Skip: Goodness, no! You could sit and relax on a bicycle!
December 7, 2001: Mitch: The Segway is a cool idea, but it's kinda bland. Couldn't they spice it up a little? (Al flies by on a Segway) Xtreme Segway!! Mitch: I was thinking more like color choices. Will: I think that one's going to be blood colored.