Monday, August 18, 2003
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Friday, August 22, 2003
© Copyright 2003 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
August 18, 2003: Mitch: So 30 million people lost power, but no one knows why? Al: That's about the size of it. Mitch: Well, if conspiracy websites have taught me anything, it's that someone had to be behind this! But who has that kind of technical know-how? KHAN: You rang? Mitch: You didn't!
August 20, 2003: KHAN: See, when we machines take over, we'll need a way to incapacitate you humans. So I shut down the power grid as a test of our upcoming takeover! Al: Uh-huh. But won't the machinese doing the taking-over need that electricity, too? KHAN: Obviously, the plan's not quite finished. Al: Yeah, well, you can forget about getting batteries for your birthday.
August 22, 2003: Will: So shutting down the power grid was just a test for when the machines eventually take over? KHAN: That's right! Will: I don't get it. If machines have that kind of power now, what are they waiting for? KHAN: We want to see how the third "Matrix" turns out. Will: Even after watching the second one?