October 22, 2007: Al sleeps on the couch. Dana: Al, the game's almost on. Al: Livin' fast and dying young like an endless poetry. Dana: What? Al: Pig sweat a million miles. I got a heart atomic style. Dana: You're still asleep, aren't you? Al: What's new pussycat? Can you dig the satisfaction?
October 24, 2007: Al: I've been thinking about a career change. Celebrities like Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and Paris Hilton are surrounded by yes men. They need someone to say no when they do stupid things. For a small fee, I'll be there no man. I'll be the guy who smacks some sense into them. Dana: You want Lindsey Lohan to pay you to spank her? Al: I'll bet Britney needs help, too!
October 26, 2007: Kepler: I just got Mac OS 10.5 Leopard, apple's brand-new operating system. Al: Wow. An exciting new way of arranging your files. Kepler: It's so much more! In fact, I've already written some new code. See? Al: What's that? Kepler: It's a clock that counts down to the release of Mac OS 10.6! Al: Congratulations. You are Steve Jobs retirement plan.