Will in a tube
     Buying A Space Station
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Monday, January 15, 2001
It came with some free beachfront property...

Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Go up, young man, go up...

Friday, January 19, 2001
At least until he gets his spacesuit on...

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January 15, 2001: Will: You bought a space station from a stranger? Skip, I think you've been had! Skip: No way, dude! It's official C.I.A. surplus, and now it's all mine to turn into a luxury hotel and resort! Will: What was the C.I.A. using it for? Skip: Check it out! From space you can see right down Pamela Lee Anderson's blouse! January 17, 2001: Mitch: Skip bought a space statoin and he wants all of us to work on it? Al: Why would we do something that stupid? Will: What have you got going for you here on Earth? (both Mitch and Al pause, looking at each other) Mitch: Point taken. I'm in. Al: Fine. I'll go, but I'm not dressing like George Jetson! January 19, 2001: Dana: You want me to be chief medical officer on your space station? Skip: You got it, babe! Dana: I have to admit, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Skip: It sure is, sweet cheeks! Dana: Okay, I'll do it, but if you keep hitting on me, I'm pushing you out of an airlock. Skip: Consider these lips zipped!