Monday, January 15, 2001
Wednesday, January 17, 2001
Friday, January 19, 2001
© Copyright 2001 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
January 15, 2001: Will: You bought a space station from a stranger? Skip, I think you've been had! Skip: No way, dude! It's official C.I.A. surplus, and now it's all mine to turn into a luxury hotel and resort! Will: What was the C.I.A. using it for? Skip: Check it out! From space you can see right down Pamela Lee Anderson's blouse!
January 17, 2001: Mitch: Skip bought a space statoin and he wants all of us to work on it? Al: Why would we do something that stupid? Will: What have you got going for you here on Earth? (both Mitch and Al pause, looking at each other) Mitch: Point taken. I'm in. Al: Fine. I'll go, but I'm not dressing like George Jetson!
January 19, 2001: Dana: You want me to be chief medical officer on your space station? Skip: You got it, babe! Dana: I have to admit, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Skip: It sure is, sweet cheeks! Dana: Okay, I'll do it, but if you keep hitting on me, I'm pushing you out of an airlock. Skip: Consider these lips zipped!