Feburary 23, 2009: Mitch: "Slumdog Millionaire" is the big winner. Bollywood cleaned up at the Oscars. What does this mean for Hollywood? Bollywood Han Solo: I have a bad feeling about this. Bollywood Princess Leia: To destroy the Death Star we must perform an elaborate dance sequence!
Feburary 25, 2009: Dana: Eww! Bill Clinton: Hee hee hee. Will: What's with the president? Dana: He keeps referring to himself as "Stimulus Bill." Bill Clinton: Hee hee hee. Check out my stimulus package!
Feburary 27, 2009: Kepler: The Rocky Mountain News is going out of business. Mitch: How could a major newspaper just go bankrupt? Kepler: I dunno, but I just read about it online. Hey! Maybe they're selling their assets on Craigslist! Mitch: Wait a minute... dots... connecting... Kepler: Meh! Let's see what the blogs are saying.