Monday, March 2, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
© Copyright 2009 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
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March 2, 2009: Kepler: China hit the moon with a lunar probe in a "controlled collision" on Sunday. Al: Hit the moon? Why couldn't they just land? Kepler: This is stage one in their program. Stage two is landing. Al: I'd sure hate to be a "stage one' Chinese astronaut.
March 4, 2009: Kepler: A 40-yard wide asteroid just passed within 38,000 miles of Earth! Al: Mm-hmm. Kepler: If it hit the planet, it could kill thousands of people! Al: Yep. Kepler: Okay, what would it actually take for you to care about it? Al: It'd have to mess up my TV reception.
March 6, 2009: Kepler: What do you see? Al: A squid. Kepler: And now? Al: The Blue Man Group. Kepler: And this? Al: That looks like a movie I've been waiting 20 years to see. (Watchmen) Kepler: Don't be such a comedian. Al: Fine... it looks like a hot chick in spandex.