January 30, 2012: Al: I've been thinking about a career change. I find my job unfulfilling. Dana: I find that hard to believe. Al: Why? Dana: I don't know if I've ever seen you work. Al: Exactly! Because I'm unfulfilled!
February 1, 2012: Al: I've been doing a lot of research, and I came up with a winner for my career change. Check this out! Dana: You want to be The Transporter? Al: It's perfect! Cars, women, action... I even have the right haircut! Dana: Plus, your idea is as implausible as the movie. Al: Should I buy my tricked-out BMW or my French beach house, first?
February 3, 2012: Al: The Transporter defends himself with martial arts. Threaten me with this toy gun so I can practice disarming you. Kepler: Bang! Al: What was that? Kepler: I shot you. Al: No, you're supposed to let me use my karate skills on you. Kepler: What would I do that? I have a gun! Al: You have to let me beat you up or else I can't get my catchphrase in!