Monday, October 9, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
October 9, 2006: TV: Welcome back to the "World Series of Poker". Al: I'm getting old. Kepler: What makes you say that? Al: I remember when MTV showed music videos and ESPN showed sports! Kepler: What's a music video? Al: It's what "Sting" made before he made car commercials.
October 11, 2006: Al: I know it's an old joke, but I really do have 200 channels and nothing on. How is that possible? Shouldn't someone with access to ratings computers be able to find something decent to watch? Who runs those things? KHAN: Heh heh heh... more "Manimal" reruns!
October 13, 2006: Kepler: KHAN, you're responsible for bad TV programming? KHAN: Guilty! It's just number manipulation. It's pretty easy. Kepler: Because it's so effective in punishing humans. In fact, I'm about to unleash the most punishing programming yet! Kepler: And what would that be? KHAN: Reality infomercials.