Monday, October 2, 2006
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Friday, October 6, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
October 2, 2006: Will: Anna Nicole Smith is in the news again. There's another guy who's claiming to be the father of her baby. I wonder who the father actually is? (looks at Skip, who smiles) No. Skip: Dude, why do you think I'm always smiling?
October 4, 2006: Will: You and Anna Nicole? How?! Skip: Well, we met several years ago, and every so often... Will: But why would she still be after you? Skip: Dude, hello? Trillionaire! Will: Well, yeah... but you're not on your deathbed.
October 6, 2006: Mitch: Skip, the news is saying Anna Nicole got married again! Skip: Good for her, Dude. Mitch: Uh... really? You're not upset? Skip: Nope. Why should I be? Mitch: You've got money on it, don't you? Skip: Four months or less makes me $10 million in Vegas!