Monday, February 7, 2005
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
February 7, 2005: Dana: Al! It's only a week until Valentine's Day! Al: You know, it's a bad week for me. Cathy got married and now I'm all depressed. Dana: Well, a blind date might be just what you need to snap you out of that funk! I have a picture! Al: Fine. Le me see her. Ack! Dana: C'mon! She has a sparkling personality!
February 9, 2005: Al: Why me? Why don't you ever try to set up Mitch or Will for Valentine's Day? Dana: Because they'd always say yes. Al: Grrrr... isn't that what you want?! Dana: Well, that'd hardly be a challenge, now, would it? Al: Maybe I don't want a challenge! Dana: Psh! Valntine's Day isn't about what the man wants!
February 11, 2005: Al: Okay... you want to challenge me for Valentine's Day? I'll give you a challenge... she's single, set me up with Eva Longoria! Dana: Yeah, right. Why don't I just set you up with all of the Desperate Housewives? Al: Ooo... that sounds like my kind of challenge! Dana: Now, I could probably get you all of the "Golden Girls."