Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
© Copyright 2009 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
June 15, 2009: Mitch: I'm trying out Microsoft's new "Bing" search engine. Will: How accurate is it? Mitch: Good question. Let's check it with Google. Will: Irrelevant in the first minute, eh?
June 17, 2009: Kepler: This is Microsoft's Bing. Have you tried it? KHAN: Do I look crazy? I'm not letting Bill Gates near my circuits. Kepler: They say they have some new technology. I wonder what it is? Clippy: You look like you're trying to search the internet. Kepler: Oh no... KHAN: Lack of foresight like this is why the human race is doomed.
June 19, 2009: Al: Bing isn't going to catch on as a search engine. Will: Why not? Al: Because it doesn't work as a verb. Will: I don't follow you. Al: You can't say I binged myself last night. Will: Well, not in proper company, anyway.