Will in a tube
     Michael Jackson Dies
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Monday, June 22, 2009
Also great with fava beans and a nice chianti...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
That's one expensive taunt...

Friday, June 26, 2009
One more time for the King of Pop...


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June 22, 2009: Will: Steve Jobs? I heard you got a new liver. Steve Jobs: Not just any new liver, the new iLiver! It produces bile 25% faster than a conventional liver, and thanks to Apple's new hepato-apps, it's insulin-producing and regenerative capabilities are second to none! Will: Uh... Steve Jobs: One more thing! It tastes great with onions! June 24, 2009: Will: Ebay is auctioning off rights to have a lunch with Warren Buffett. Skip: Yeah, Dude, I win that every year. Will: Skip, why would you need Buffett's financial advice? Skip: Who said I do it for advice? Just a reminder: I'm still worth 25 times more than you. Warren Buffett: AAAA!! June 26, 2009: Michael Jackson's Thriller video as directed by John Landis: It's a message scrawled in blood. What's it say? See you next Wednesday. It's close to midnight. Mitch: It's sad that this is what it takes to get MTV to show music videos again. Al: Yep. RIP MJ. Michael Jackson.