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     The Inauguration
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Monday, January 19, 2009
Talk about improbable...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
They're upper, upper class, high society...

Friday, January 23, 2009
And how could you leave out 'Iron Man'?...


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January 19, 2009: Mitch: These are truly historic times we're living in. Al: Yes... yes they are. Mitch: I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime. Al: I'm right there with you. Mitch: I mean... wow! The Cardinals are in the Super Bowl! Al: I know! It's like they all simultaneously said yes we can! January 21, 2009: Will: It looks like Obama had some great inauguration parties last night. Skip: Maybe, Dude, but nothing will ever top Clinton's inaugural balls. Will: I asked you not to say stuff like that anymore. Skip: Yes, some were held for charity and some for fancy dress... January 23, 2009: Mitch: The Oscar nominations are out and-- Al: Is "The Dark Knight" up for best picture? Mitch: Uh... no. Al: Then I'm not watching. Mitch: There are other-- Al: Hey, if Hollywood doesn't care about my opinions, why should I care about theirs?