Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 27,
Friday, August 29, 2008
© Copyright 2008 Brian Lundmark, all images
and text on this page.
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August 25, 2008: Mitch: Two and a half weeks of exciting Olympic coverage! What's on TV tonight? Al: The Democratic national convention. Mitch: Well... that's kind of a letdown. Al: Tonight's speaker: Denver mayor John Hickenlooper.
August 27, 2008: Will: President Clinton? Bill Clinton: Im' disappointed. I thought I'd spend this whole week talking about the Obama-Clinton ticket. Will: I guess Obama just didn't think Hillary was a good match. Bill Clinton: Hillary?! I was talking about me! Will: Of course you were. Bill: I mean, Biden?! C'mon! This is a vice presidential worthy haircut!
August 29, 2008: KHAN: I retunr from the Temple of Obama with swag! Behold the Oba-mug! Go ahead and drink its perfect political elixir! Al: It's an empty vessel. KHAN: Well... yes. You have to provide your own blend of perfect elixir. Al: Does anyone make a Reagan Cola?