Monday, February 11, 2002
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Friday, February 15, 2002
© Copyright 2001 Brian Lundmark, all images and text on this page. All rights reserved. Tell me about it!
February 11, 2002: Dana: You know, Al, Valentine's Day is this week-- Al: I know! Isn't it exciting?! Dana: Uh... what? Al: Yes, it's a day of love! No one should be alone on a day of love, don't you think? Dana: It's a trap! Run! Run!! Al: Ya see, I've got this friend...
February 13, 2002: Dana: If I'm going to get out of this blind date, I'll have to call Al's bluff... So, Al, tell me about your friend. Al: Well, he has a great personality! Dana: Ha ha. Good. That's very important. Uh... what kind of work does he do? Al: Work? Well, he thinks that 'work' is overrated. Dana: Must... not... show... fear...
February 15, 2002: Dana: Okay! You win!! I can't go on a blind date!! I give up! Will: Did you actually have someone lined up? Al: Heh... that's the best part! It ws me! Will: So, describing yourself anonymously scares off women? How does that make you feel? Al: Well, not very good now!!